The 7 Day Reishi RESET!

Give your body a reboot with Organo’s King Coffee + My Reishi RESET!

Here’s how it works!

Everyone has different ailments and different happenings in their lives, so reishi is very unique to each person who uses it. For one week you’ll enjoy a cup of Ganoderma spore, King Coffee. I suggest pairing this reset with a healthy whole food plant-based diet so you can really see the magic happen. Lots of smoothies, salads, GREENS, fresh fruits, and veggies!

For $24.99 including shipping, I will send you your 7 day Reishi Reset Kit! Includes seven sachets of King Coffee to enjoy over the course of one week and as a bonus my favorite smoothie recipe of all time to enjoy during your Reishi Reset!

New To Reishi?

I have MANY posts that go into great detail about King Coffee and the power of reishi. Including-

My Own Experience With Reishi King Coffee!

If you LOVE it and can’t imagine not starting your day with reishi spore King Coffee every morning, join our Reishi Royalty team! Enjoy the perks of a wholesale account!

There’s ZERO monthly quotas, ZERO pressure to sell, just perks of a discount! Think of it like a Costco or BJ’s membership!

I have an entire post about How To Become A King Coffee Distributor HERE!

To Buy A Box Of King Coffee- Retail Click HERE

To See Organo’s Other Reishi Coffee Flavors & Bev’s

Your Complete Guide To Reishi Spore King Coffee- Everything You Need To Know