In-Season Fall Produce List

Welcome Fall! SO far…its been a pretty warm start to fall here in MA. I’d be singing a different tune if it was freezing. The best part about fall? THE FOOD. Obviously. And Halloween. We’re breaking down the easiest and most affordable way your family can eat all organic produce this fall by shopping IN-SEASON fall produce!

In-season produce is always more abundant – thus making it more affordable. This is where we start to see our tropical fruit prices from over the summer start to climb back up little bits every week. It’s super important to eat organic produce (for us anyway) I always was skeeved out eating a GMO ridden strawberry that was as big as a mango. So what can we eat abundantly and organically in the fall?!

The fall is also a huge time for entertaining! Lucky for you we have a vegan entertaining guide for you HERE! Be sure to also check out our first fall article of the season, Our Top 5 Fall Essentials For Vegans!

In-Season Fall Fruits!


These guys MAKE fall! Am I right?! Who’s down for apple crisp?! A better question would be who’s NOT down for apple crisp! An absolute staple in our in-season fall produce list! This is the time to go apple picking with the littles and bake your tail off when you come home. Nothin’ more fallish’ than that!


Did you know these guys pack the meanest punch of antioxidants in a berry?! Eat a handful of these per day and watch your skin GLOW! We love adding them to our oatmeal in the morning or just sneaking a few out of the fridge in passing here and there!


Cranberries are also abundant in the fall! They make beautiful additions to salads – warm or cold, spice up our thanksgiving plates, and act as beautiful aids to our bladders when eaten excessively! Did you know it takes about 200 cranberries to make ONE can of cranberry sauce?!


Not Fig Newtons guys. Thank god. I think I was the only child who hated fig newtons. Gross. Figs actually grow on a flowering plant – only thing? The fig is the flower! How pretty is that! This is another fruit loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients so stock up while they’re in season!


One of my favs! I love grapefruit baked in the oven with some sugar on top. YUM. Definitely an acquired taste for sure especially without the sugar on top! But nutrition-wise, grapefruits are amazing for us. They’re filled with vitamin B, vitamin C, antioxidants, phytonutrients, potassium, and fiber! We love putting them on salads for an added boost of not only flavor but nutrition!


Grapes have to be one of my favorite fruits of all time. They make a fantastic snack, they’re SUPER high in antioxidants, and just ONE cup of grapes pack a huge punch of both vitamin K and vitamin C! It’s even been said eating grapes can prevent many chronic diseases!

Honeydew Melon!

One of my favorite melons! I love putting honeydew in salads. It’s such a refreshing burst of flavor, add in blackberries too for an antioxidant punch and you’ll have yourself a disease-fighting little meal!


Kiwi was actually something I didn’t try until I was way older. I’m not too sure why! But I love it! These are little vitamin C BOMBS. Literally. LOADED with vitamin C and are a fabulous source of fiber! These make the perfect pick me up snack in the afternoon!


This one we are NEVER without. I think we use at least one lime every single day in this kitchen. Whether we’re squeezing them on quinoa, or slicing them and putting them on the side of tacos we LOVE lime in this house. They’re amazing for your skin and also for your arteries!


The word pomegrantates itself means “an apple with many seeds!” Did you guys know that?! We didn’t. These little guys are easily one of my favorite in-season fall produce choices. By FAR the best salad topper there is. Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties these fruits pack some of the meanest nutritional punches we’ve seen! Definitely stock up on these this season! Fun fact – they last for up to 2 MONTHS in the fridge!


Plums always remind me of my mom! She loves plums and used to pack them in our lunches all the time when we were kids. I remember either LOVING them or HATING them if they were too sour and not ripe enough. But a ripe plum…ain’t nothin’ like it! Plums actually are known to help with anxiety, influenza, and indigestion!


Another favorite for me! Red pears specifically I absolutely LOVE. Poached pears, baked, raw, canned, ANY pears I love. Always have! Pears are one of the highest-fiber fruits! They also contain folate! So pregnant mama’s and nursing mama’s this is a perfect snack for you!

Fall In-Season Veggies!

Greens- Arugala, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Spinach, Endive, Kale

Greens are the best. We know this! They’re disease-preventing, alkaline thriving, antioxidant punching, nutrition filled AMAZING little plants. How lucky are we to have these at our fingertips. Greens are the BEST foods we can eat. Literally. The BEST food. I try to use greens with every meal I make because they’re just THAT important. Add them in smoothies (no you won’t taste them I promise), make a bulked up fall salad, or sautee them for a lovely side dish! Options are endless!


Beets are one of the most underestimated foods in my opinion! Even Lynn hates them and she’ll try anything. I grew up eating beets out of the can with my mom as a snack. We both LOVED beets. They’re actually AMAZING for our blood! They act as a purifier! Pretty amazing! Roasted beets go amazingly well in quinoa salads, and organic canned beets I love to toss in a salad!

Broccoli & Brussel Sprouts

I looped these guys together because they’re both my favorite two veggies for the fall. All of the girls at the salon used to get so mad when I’d bring in roasted brussel sprouts and broccoli for dinner because (they totally stink). BUT they’re AMAZING little foods! Did you know both brussel sprouts AND broccoli BOTH contain more than 4x the amount of vitamin c as oranges?!

Butternut Squash & Acorn Squash

I have to be honest here- these aren’t my favorite. I’ll totally eat them – but I have to get creative. I’m not a fan of mashed squash or even roasted squash. I’m not sure why. Just never been a fan. I’ve made soups, even vegan cheese sauces with squashes to get their nutrition benefits – they are LOADED with vitamin A! Roasted acorn squash stuffed with stuffing – now that’s the sh*t people fall in love with. I’m all on board for that! Bring on Thanksgiving!

Celery & Cucumbers

Linked these two together because they’re 97% WATER! These two are incredible little hydration powerhouses! If you’re not a fan of drinking water throughout the day try your hardest to snack on celery and cucumbers! They have amazing fiber contents, as well as antioxidants to make our skin GLOW and our insides SHINE!!!


This is another one that I really have to push myself to enjoy – yet its a staple in everyone’s in-season fall produce list! I struggle with the flavor of pumpkin and have never really been a huge fan of it! BUT it has incredible nutrition benefits and obviously pumpkins are abundant this time of year! Did you know it’s a great food to give our fur babies?! It helps calm their bellies as well as our own! They’re great for digestion aids!

Sweet Potatoes & Yams!

My favorite. Literally my absolute favorite. Mashed, roasted, baked- whatever ya got as long as its a sweet potato – I’m all in. These are amazing nutrition powerhouses that FILL you up!!! A baked sweet potato with black beans, vegan sour cream, and a side salad is easily one of my favorite fall lunches of all time. It’s easy and SO incredibly nutritious.


We spend all summer growing these beauties and we reap all their benefits come the fall! Loaded with antioxidants and water these guys will help us stay hydrated AND fight signs of aging. Double win!


Turnips get such a bad rep’ around here. They’re easily forgotten about, and no one ever really craves them. Kind of sad! They’re loaded with vitamins and minerals as well as magnesium and omega 3’s!

*We hope this guide helps you guys navigate your fall grocery shopping trips and makes life just a tad easier for you!!! Remember it’s always more beneficial to shop organically! Our in-season fall produce list will be your perfect guide! Let us know in the comments YOUR favorite fall food!!*

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