
We LOVE creating bomb content for you to make your vegan journeys easier! Half the battle of becoming successful in your vegan journeys is to be well armed with the proper information! If you’re educated from the get go it makes cooking, having vegan conversations, organizing, grocery shopping – EVERYTHING, easier.

We currently have two e-books to choose from and BOTH are completely FREE!! We’ll be creating more don’t worry! Feel free to email us for suggestions and vegan topics you want more information on! We’re here to help!

#1. How To Be A Vegan

How To Be A Vegan! This is LITERALLY the holy grail of veganism you guys! A total must-have for every vegan newb. When I first went vegan I had SO many questions and not many people I could ask them to. I tried to think back and think hard about what I needed to read during that time, and the end result was this pretty amazing little guide! You’ll find our FAV brands of transition foods, with our favorite burgers, patties, mac and cheeses, coffee creamers and other replacements- A complete A-Z dictionary of ALL plant-based food options, all of the answers to your friends and families most asked questions as well as the REAL tea on meat and dairy. We share our personal vegan journeys with you and our reasons for being vegan, all while helping YOU navigate your own. Let us join you on your journey!

When you download this ebook – you unlock access to our private facebook group specifically made for vegan newbies! Lynn and I are both active in the group and eventually want to grow this into an incredible resource and support group for new vegans! Ask us anything! Guaranteed response within 24 hours!

#2. One Week of 15 Minute Vegan Dinners! FREE!!!!

This is the collection of the EASIEST recipes in the entire vegan world, we swear. All of them take 15 minutes or less to create and finish, except for ONE (we’re being honest) which takes 15 minutes of prep and 35 minutes in the oven. STILL super easy. Veganism doesn’t have to be super complicated meals with ingredients you can’t find at your local grocery store. This is the “I’m HANGRY but don’t want to cook ANYTHING” solution. ALL vegans, seasoned and newbs need this! Basic vegan food, for your basic vegan needs.

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