AKA – The Nooch

Okay so you’re a new vegan, you keep seeing this yellow powdery flakey stuff that people are RAVING about. What is it? What does it do? Where can you get it? What IS nutritional yeast?! We’re here to help a vegan out. Lets do it.
Nutritional yeast is the CHEESE of the vegan world. Sprinkle it on salads, pastas, sandwiches! Or cook with it and make blended mac and cheese sauces and broccoli and cheese soups – the options are endless! And what if we told you it was GOOD for you!
What IS It Though…
The nooch is actually the same dry yeast used to make beer! Just looks a little different in the end… It’s a deactivated dry yeast thats a MUST HAVE for all vegans. All vegans love the nooch guys. Don’t be afraid of it.
Believe it or not FEMPIRE, nutritional yeast is SUPER healthy for us! It’s a vitamin B powerhouse, a fantastic pack of protein, many trace minerals, as well as high antioxidant count!
How Is It Good For Me?
Not a full adequate source of b12 though. We’ll still stick to our supplements for that. But B vitamins are predominant in nutritional yeast. “One tablespoon contains 30 to 180% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for various B vitamins.”(1) B vitamins are responsible for metabolism and energy balance throughout the day.
The nooch packs a solid protein punch as well! 1/4 cup = 8g of protein! Thats pretty hardcore for a little condiment!
Many trace minerals are also packed into the nooch! “Including zinc, selenium, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, and potassium. These are all essential for good health. They also support a strong immune system and active metabolism” (1)
Cant forget about the antioxidants! We love antioxidants FEMPIRE we talk about them all the time! The more you eat from whole plant based sources, guess what? The less WRINKLES we get!! Holla! Gimmie some nooch!
Nutritional yeast is loaded with antioxidants which aside from a healthy skin glow will also contribute to battling and preventing many diseases by preventing damage to our cells.
Antibacterial AND Antiviral?!
Yes and yes! The nooch is indeed considered to contain carbohydrates- especially trehalose and beta glucans which are helpful in supporting a healthy immune system as well as fighting disease. “Trehalose is a disaccharide that helps maintain the health of brain cells- Beta-glucans, in particular, have been shown to have anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-allergic, and anti-osteoporotic abilities.” (1)
Nooch FAQ’S
Will I ever have too much nutritional yeast?
- “Nutritional yeast provides 160% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin B2 in one tablespoon. B vitamins are water soluble. That means when you eat them in large amounts, your kidneys will excrete whatever your body doesn’t need. This results in yellower-than-normal, vitamin B-rich urine. For some people, the color change can be pretty dramatic.” (1)
- So aside from peeing highlighter yellow our friends at Food Revolution help us understand that this isn’t a guaranteed side effect that will happen to everyone, and lesson learned we shouldn’t be abusing our beloved nooch. Don’t pile a mountain of it on every meal. Got it!
Can Everyone Use Nooch?
- As much as we’d love to say yes here, gluten intolerant, Celiac sufferers, and Crohn’s patients beware! Because the nooch is indeed a yeast it has been shown to aggravate symptoms in Crohn’s disease and the likely hood of cross contamination in manufacturing is high – so the alert to the gluten free community is made! Call the manufacturer and make sure you’re in the clear to use the nooch if you’re a gluten free person!
Won’t I Get Candida If I Eat Yeast?
- No, you won’t. This is just like anything else guys, we’re making sure not to abuse ANY one sole food. Proper nutrition comes from a variety of plant based foods as we know. Our beloved nooch is off the hook from candida overgrowth because it is inactivate, and it does not contain Candida Albicans.
I’ve Heard Nutritional Yeast Has MSG?
- Nope. Squashing the rumors here and now. Nooch has NO traces of MSG FEMPIRE. It is safe and msg free! Users sometimes THINK nutritional yeast has MSG because of its umami flavor and taste. But they’re all wrong!
Final Notes & Thoughts!
Guys, everyone needs some nooch in their lives. Even if you think you don’t, you do. Give it a shot. Especially if you’re a newbie vegan going through cheese withdrawals. It’ll help you out the most, all while supplying us with a beautiful abundance of vitamins and minerals. Find it in any health food store! Let us know what you think and how YOU use the nooch!
Find Nutritional Yeast RIGHT HERE!
- “What Is Nutritional Yeast? Is This Secret Plant-Based Ingredient Good for You?” Food Revolution Network, 31 Jan. 2019, foodrevolution.org/blog/what-is-nutritional-yeast/.