Why Vegans Don’t Eat Dairy: The Biggest Heartbreak

So why don’t vegans consume dairy. Lets start with the obvious, dairy is produced from cows. As vegans we don’t consume animal products or animal byproducts. I wish that this could just end right here. But sadly, unless we give the voiceless a voice, their stories will never get out. Thus, change will never happen.

This is the one article I hate writing. Truly. This entire topic makes my heart physically ache every time. It blows me away that there are people out there who do these horrific tortuous things to animals EVERY single day for their jobs.

The meat and dairy industries are just one in the same. Choosing one over the other to defend is pointless. But, the dairy SECTION of the horrific cycle is truly gut wrenching.

What Society Thinks

Dairy consumers picture happy “dairy cows” grazing in a field, happily being milked because they need it!

Not ONE human is prepared for the sights of the dairy factories. I know I sure wasn’t- I cried SO hard, I felt SO much guilt. I LOVED animals, and my entire life I was lead to believe we as humans are MEANT to consume milk! After all, we need calcium right?Cows actually LIKE being milked. It’s their jobs! They produce milk anyway, don’t they?

Wrong. All. Wrong. Take a deep breath FEMPIRE, here we go.

Artificial Insemination – Rape

Dairy cows experience more heartbreak and trauma in their short lives than most humans will ever go through in their much longer lives. The reality for a dairy cow is nothing short of sadness, searing pain, and rape. YEP. RAPE. Dairy cows will be artificially inseminated IMMEDIATELY after giving birth. How does this happen?

Ever hear of a rape rack? It’s a horrifying, traumatic, metal device that is used to restrain females during insemination. Cow’s are much stronger and larger than humans. This machine helps to restrain her and prevents her from attacking the disgusting human putting her in so much pain. This horrible human will extend their arm inside the female cows rectum and press down on her uterus to ensure she will be inseminated properly. She is then inseminated by painful metal machinery.

Lets just take a brief moment here to discuss and revisit the definition of the word RAPE. Because, a vast majority of our country needs a refresher. Rape: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.

Not sure about you, but this couldn’t be a more black and white example of rape. If this was EVER done to a human anyone in their right mind would use the word rape as a description word.

Its inhumane, its terrifying, and its traumatic to READ about never mind to witness or even worse – to do.

After Birth

No bonding will be allowed to take place between a new mother and her baby calf. The baby will be taken away immediately and the two will never see each other again. Rather, she will be reempregnanted immediately only for the same vicious cycle to take place all over again.

Did you know cows feel the same maternal instinct that human mother’s feel? A mother will cry out for her baby for weeks. As a result, she AND her baby will be under severe stress, discomfort and unimaginable emotional pain.

The new mother is then hooked up to painful machines that will steal her baby’s milk. As you can imagine this machine will feel entirely different for the new mother than her suckling babies would. She will feel pain here as well.

Pain Makes Up Their Entire Lives

Keep this as a reminder for every single time you crave cheese. This is the dairy industry, THIS is who you’re supporting. The trauma and horrifying pain and exploitation of these animals.

What happens to the baby calves? Veal. After being taken immediately after birth, the calf is allowed zero bonding time, and they’ll cry out in agony for their mothers. If the mother births a male baby, the industry sees them entirely useless. After all, they cannot grow up to be dairy cows. Put them to use, and we’ll make veal. Disgusting. These beautiful little babies are thrown in boxes and crates, to halt and hinder their growth, and the development of their muscles. Because, we want the best veal don’t we?

Do we take care of them?

Absolutely not. They will lay in their own waste, fed liquid diets, blasted with antibiotics to ward off any bacteria or diseases from ruining our meat. They endure this torture for weeks, until their time has come to be slaughtered.

Some male babies won’t have the pleasure of being killed at only a few months of age with next to no meat on his bones. So what happens to them?

Instead, he gets shipped to a bigger crate where he’ll rot, be pumped with synthetic foods, hormones, and antibiotics until he reaches a weight so monstrous, then he’ll be slaughtered for meat.

This Is Reality

This is the dairy industry guys. Its shattering, insanely upsetting, dark and plain fuc*ed. For those of you who are upset and teary eyed, so are we. This is one of the worst facets of reality for me. I struggled and still currently struggle to wrap my mind around why we do this. How its legal to do this. And WHY we as humans feel as though we OWN these beautiful majestic animals.

We’re the only species who consumes the breastmilk of another animal past infancy. THE ONLY SPECIES!!! WE DONT NEED IT!!!

These beautiful animals produce milk for the same reason we as human mothers produce breastmilk for our babies. Imagine an entirely different species ripping your newborn baby out of your arms before you even get a chance to say hello, only to hook you up to a painful machine and steal all of the breastmilk meant for that baby. All of your body’s hard work. Gone. Stolen. All thats left? Heart break and torture.

This. Is. The. Dairy. Industry.

Fight back. Join our FEMPIRE family. We cry for and with these beautiful animals, as their lives are horrifying. For those of you who I upset with this article, I’m sorry. I know your hurt, I feel it too. Channel that hurt and pain into a firm stance and use it as a loud voice for these stunning animals.

Our stance alone against the dairy industry and the inhumanity of it isn’t enough to change it unfortunately. But, TOGETHER we can make a difference. We can help save these babies, love and rehabilitate these traumatized mothers, and save the thousands of male babies disposed of before they even get a chance.

Become a word super hero, go vegan. Help us save the world. And don’t forget to check out our very own “Sanctuary Supporter” Fempire movement! For any and all apparel sold, we donate a portion of the proceeds to an animal sanctuary of choice! Check out who we chose first! Rep’ our FEMPIRE, and help save lives!