The Best Vegan Superfoods!

We’re about to rock your vegan world, Fempire. Superfoods are a HUGE thing. And we’re here for it.

**This post may contain affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you, these are all products I recommend, I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified or personally used.**

Are you tired? Crabby? Fatigued? Hormonal? Do you have blotchy, irritated sensitive skin? Are you getting sick more often than you feel you should be? Guess what? Superfoods can help!

The summertime is the perfect time to bulk up your produce intake! We’re dehydrated and hot from being in the sun and humidity and a refreshing smoothie never tasted better! Smoothies are our favorite way to use these superfoods!

Did you know there were SUPERFOODS that you can actually ADD into your favorite smoothies and snacks to make them even MORE healthy?! Like…more superfood than KALE.

Technically you can use these superfoods for more than just smoothies – BUT for the sake of this article, we’re talking about their uses in our smoothies!

Our Favorite Smoothie Superfoods

We have personally used every single product on this list and have seen amazing results from using them all! Navitas Naturals is a brand that we’ve used for years and we trust them entirely! They’re always organic and well-sourced and for that – we thank them!


Small, dark purple berries of palm trees that grow throughout the tropical regions of Central and South America. It’s superfood powers? Antioxidant OVERLOAD. Think – aging. Or shall we say – lack thereof? Acai is very low in sugar, its rich with omega 3,6,9. I usually toss about 1 tbsp into a smoothie with bananas, berries, dates, and almond milk! Acai goes best with other berries! Little pop of PB won’t hurt either!

Goji Berries-

We can thank the Chinese medicine gods for this discovery. In the Chinese culture, goji berries are referred to as “the longevity fruit” because of how many benefits they have. Though they’re small – they pack a MASSIVE nutritional punch. Great for immune health, vision, and memory improvement. It’s even an anticarcinogen. Boasting over 20 vitamins and minerals we promise you will FEEL this addition! Toss your goji’s with ANY smoothie! They’re so sweet sometimes I’ll just eat them out of the bag! If you like to make your own trail mix – add these in!


Chocolate anyone? Where my ladies at? Cacao is the answer to your chocolate vegan dreams. Think- Oatmeal, vegan nice cream, vegan yogurt – vegan BAKING. You guys, cacao is truly amazing. It’s mineral-dense, loaded with calcium and iron, as well as the highest source of magnesium in food! It’ll give you a nice energy boost throughout your day. Remember when we told you about antioxidants in acai? Well, the amount of antioxidants in cacao are DOUBLE what is found in acai!!


Camu is nature’s BEST source of vitamin C. You’ll find this hugely popular in South America. This doesn’t taste as good on its own, unfortunately, BUT to offset that issue we actually only NEED a tiny tiny amount. Like…1/2 tsp tiny. You can add this to pretty much any smoothie you want to bulk up with vitamin c. Using this even in the tiny dosages we’re taking, is still more effective than taking an actual vitamin c pill!

Hemp Seeds-

Hemp seeds are magical little guys. Their strong suit? Protein! These are a fabulous source of COMPLETE vegan protein! Meaning, these guys contain all 8 essential amino acids! Pretty impressive for such a little package! Hemp seeds do wonders for our skin due to the contents of essential fatty acids. Magnesium, iron, and zinc are all added bonuses as well! Use hemp seeds in smoothies for a huge protein boost!


We always choose sprouted flaxseed when picking ours. Flaxseed is a wonderful superfood with SO many health benefits! Packed with essential fatty acids, it is a perfect anti-inflammatory agent in our bodies. Flaxseed contains vitamin E also which is incredibly beneficial for the skin and our hormone regulation and levels! Ladies PMS LESS by adding flaxseed to your diet! We love adding flaxseed to smoothies and to our pancakes!

Maca Root-

Found naturally in Peru, this summer superfood helps to support adrenal glands, balance stress, and hormones as well as giving you a nice boost of energy! This was once said to be taken by the ancient Inca warriors before going into battle as it provided them with strength and energy. This is something I’ve been using personally for years in my smoothies. It’s INCREDIBLE the amount of energy you feel NATURALLY when using this.

Ladies if your cycles are irregular, maca root is known to help regulate hormones! Therefore, helping to regulate your periods! We couldn’t leave it out of our favorites! Everyone should have maca in their homes! Use it in smoothies, baking, and cooking!


When I first read about these POWERFUL little guys I knew I had to try them. This is natures BEST fruit against aging. Mulberries are loaded with resveratrol which is the leading fighter against the aging process! Adding these guys to smoothies is a fabulous idea as they bring a beautiful sweetness to them! Drink them fast though – mulberries thicken because the fruit will begin to expand!

We urge you guys to give these a shot! You don’t need all of them at once – but it wouldn’t hurt! 😉 Our mandatory superfoods consist of cacao, acai, mulberries, and maca root. Those are the main ones we buy over and over again. I do splurge at certain times with the others because their so beneficial as well! So it’s a constant rotation around here!

Good luck you guys!