The Best Vegan Documentaries

We are in the era of Netflix you guys. Also the era of Veganism! Holla. Whenever the start of a new era you can guarantee people’s personal side research begins. We’re very visual people here in 2019 and what better way to research and learn than with a beautiful visual documentary. We’re talking’ vegan documentaries today at the FEMPIRE, we’re listing the best of the best as well as our personal favorites! Lets go!

**This post may contain affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you, these are all products I recommend, I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified or personally used.**


Starting off here with a little bit of a throwback. An award-winning throwback to 2014, this documentary focuses on climate change, water shortages, and ocean dead zones. And let’s get real here with our current climate condition this is more relatable today in 2023 than ever before. You can snipe this one HERE, it also comes in book form if that’s your jam!


This was one of the hardest vegan documentaries I’ve ever sat through. Focusing on the cruelty of animals and the horrifying violence they endure, paints a brutal picture. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, this is perfect for the new vegan who wants a better understanding of the industries they’ve supported in the past, or the on-the-fence meat consumer who is in need of some clarification. Watch with caution, but please do watch. It’s required for vegans. Seriously. Find it on their website


This is one of the FEMPIRE’s favorites, guys. An incredibly put-together documentary detailing the lives of 3 meat and cheese-consuming New Yorkers who go on a “trial vegan diet” for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, it is their choice to remain vegan or pick up old ways. It perfectly outlines the emotional, mental, and physical changes and transitions it takes to go vegan. It’s so relatable because these people are everyday normal Standard American Diet consuming people, and it’s simple to place yourself in their shoes while learning WITH them through their 30-day journey. Couldn’t recommend it more! Find it on Netflix, or online!

Forks Over Knives

Another FEMPIRE fav! Forks Over Knives dives into the nutrition and health standpoints of veganism. Mr. China Study himself, T. Colin Campbell is majorly featured in this vegan documentary highlighting the health risks of a non-vegan diet along with the incredible findings of The China Study and vegan diet overall. An absolute must-watch for any vegan, seasoned or newbie! Along with skeptics! We also own the Forks Over Knives cookbook! Which teaches you how to properly apply all of the information given to us throughout the documentary! The recipes are amazing and the knowledge is absolutely priceless. You can find this one on Netflix or Amazon for rent!

Check out the best selling Forks Over Knives COOKBOOK!

What The Health

Three back-to-back FEMPIRE favorites! Yet another one! This was the more recent documentary for the Netflix vegan community but HOLY SMOKES did it ROCK the world of millions and millions of people! This vegan documentary took the world by STORM. Brought to you by the two genius filmmakers responsible for Cowspiracy, What The Health will knock your shoes off. Loaded with shocking statistics and focuses on exposing the reluctance of health and nutrition organizations, to point out any and all negative health effects of consuming animal products. Their responses are shocking. Must watch! Netflix or Amazon rental!

Eating Animals

The beautiful and talented Natalie Portman is the back voice and producer of this vegan documentary. This story explores the ever-changing animal agriculture into what we know it as today – industrialized horrors. This will come from all standpoints, environmental, economical, as well as factory farming. Find it online for rental and purchase!

The Game Changers

Though we have yet to see this, we’re late to the party, we know. This is the myth buster of the year- shattering the myth of “vegans could never be athletes, they’re too scrawny, and we wouldn’t get enough protein.” Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Scott Jurek, Derrick Morgan, and Morgan Mitchell, the movie’s goal was to open the eyes of people around the world to the elite vegan athletes of the world and that it is in fact possible to be a game-changer athlete while consuming a vegan diet.

Vegan Everyday Stories

This is an incredible vegan documentary. It takes us on a journey following 4 entirely different types of people, their only common ground? They’re all vegan! We hear from little powerhouse 8 year old Gensis, Jerri Hastey who owns a vegan food truck, Renee King-Sonnen the owner of a stunning animal sanctuary, and hardcore runner Yassine Diboun. They all take us on their personal unique transformations into their vegan lifestyle. So inspiring, a total must-watch for any vegan, but especially important to the new vegan.

There we have it FEMPIRE. We’ve given you ample viewing material to satisfy your vegan rainy day needs. We’ll come back to test you on it! Kidding. But really amazing documentaries out there and they hold a wealth of vital information. To hear and visually SEE another person’s vegan journey is truly a beautiful inspiring thing.

Join the movement & help us save lives! We’re proud to be the Vegan FEMPIRE, helping transitioning vegans as well as seasoned vegans all over the world!