Eating Meat Makes You More Manly? Really?

Busting the #1 reason why men struggle with even the IDEA of going vegan!

I couldn’t contain my excitement for this one guys. We’re going to talk about the connection of masculinity and meat consumption. Why does society think meat makes you more MANLY? How many vegan women can say that eating meat has ever made them feel masculine? Or how many vegan men feel insecure and weak for ordering vegan meals? How many vegan women wanted to raise their son’s vegan but they hear “my son won’t eat like that, he’ll eat meat and be a man.”

Ever hear girls say, “Ah I’ll order a steak, I can keep up with the guys.” “She ain’t no cheap date, she’s like one of the dudes eatin’ filet! No wimpy salads for her!” “Brotha you ordered a veggie burger? What are you soft?!” Lines like that make me cringe so hard. Because a dainty woman couldn’t possibly eat a piece of meat as big as her hand, right?! This man eating a veggie burger is SO much weaker than the man eating the steak clogging his arteries at the dinner table, right?

**Inset EYEROLL x 100**

What is this stigma we’ve created? Eating meat makes you, STRONG. Right? Indefinitely STRONG. Eating salads are for wimps and chicks! Come on everyone knows that! But seriously, where did this stigma come from? And why are we a society who is not only condoning it, but actively participating in it?

Did you know people actually have researched this? True studies on it because it’s SO mind boggling to wrap your brain around.

Naturally, we’re gonna talk about it. Let’s get into it.

The Research

Dr. Emma Roe and Dr. Paul Hurley are from the University of South Hampton. They conducted a year-long study together, that involved men who came forward and admitted to coping with social isolation from friends after making vegetarian or vegan choices in front of them. (1)

These men were then categorized into 3 different groups, “green-minded men, exercising men, and men who receive emergency food aid.” (1) They were told to cook and eat all of their meals together, as they thought it would be better for the men because they all valued eating plant-based diets.

As a result, the researchers brought some interesting facts to the table. Dr Roe stated, “What we have discovered is that many men are interested in eating less meat, they just need social permission to do so – and as more men make vegetarian and vegan choices, that permission is becoming more readily available.” (1)

They also noted that age played a factor as well. Because of the harmful side effects of consuming meat, many middle aged men are advised by physicians to stay clear of meat. Therefore, more artery clogged men will be less likely to give you sh*t for choosing that vegan option, because they’ll be joining you.

There we have it FEMPIRE.

Fight. The. Stigma.

The myth is busted. Men need some hand holding from their bro’s to feel socially SAFE enough to order the vegan option. So what do we do fam? We support and we hand hold. We don’t make fun. And we sure as sh*t don’t bust any of them for choosing to save the world. Just be sure to rep’ the FEMPIRE when you’re off saving the world!

So if you’re a man and you feel passionately about vegansim and you FIGHT this stigma every single day, we’re here for you and with you. We support you, and we thank you. Not everyone can beat social stigma, not everyone can handle the pressure of it. Male or female.

Others prefer to bring you down in fear that you JUST might look better than them in a few months? Maybe? Or even better, that you’ll be HEALTHIER, and changing the world. Either way, we’re glad you’re sticking it out.

