Common Questions New Vegans Have!

Maybe you’re a seasoned vegan, maybe you’re brand new, or maybe you haven’t even transitioned yet at all and veganism is just a thought at the moment. Whatever your situation, you’re here. Congratulations.

Here at The Vegan FEMPIRE we LIVE to be vegan. Its our favorite thing to be in the whole entire world. We love to help people transition and support them during their journeys.

Before we jump in to our FAQ’s, I just wanted to take a minute to extend our How To Be A Vegan E-book.

This took us MONTHS to work on and we compiled ALL of the information and advice that we WISH we had when first starting our journeys into one starter handbook for you. Our hearts and souls went into this book and inside you’ll have ALL of the resources you’ll need to successfully transition to a vegan diet without any of the added stress and overwhelming anxiety!

Lets jump right into our questions for vegan newbs!

Where DO you really get your protein?

-We get our protein from the same sources you get your protein. All sources of protein are plant based! Linking our Vegan Protein: The Real Tea & Are You Getting Enough, article right HERE which will answer ALL of your protein questions. Main sources of vegan protein include but are not limited to: beans, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, greens, (yes greens), quinoa, brown rice.

Whats the REAL issue with eggs?

-Two major standpoints here. One-cholesterol. One egg yolk has 275 mg of cholesterol! Thats WAY more than a days worth! Two- the horrific torture and inhumane practices of the egg industry. I’m going to link our Great Vegan Egg Debate article for you right here to answer all of your egg suspicions. Those are the two main stand points. Health, and the inhumane practices of the industry causing these chickens to live real life nightmares. Its truly horrific.

Why is dairy bad for you?

-Another entire post worthy question that we’ll link right HERE. The dairy scene for me personally is the worst one out of them all. This is an industry that exploits the female reproductive system and thrives off rape. Correct. Rape. The practices are truly nightmare worthy, absolutely heart wrenching, and if you’re a mother yourself, entirely impossible to even watch. Health stand point? Dairy is the leading cause of breast cancer in the US. We are the ONLY species in the WORLD that consumes the breast milk of another animal past infancy. Check out the rest of the real horrors of dairy HERE in our Why Vegans Don’t Eat Dairy: The Biggest Heartbreak article.

Is vegan food more expensive?

Heres the scoop. Vegan TRANSITION foods are going to be the pricey items here. If you’re eating whole foods you’ll find a much bigger difference in price. I think most everyday vegans will tell you they all have favorite transition foods. Maybe its a veggie burger, maybe its some seitan pork bites of some kind. Are they as nutritious as eating a whole food plant based diet? No. Not at all. However, its much more price efficient AND healthier to avoid these items and focus on produce, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains.

But the cows have to be milked, right?

NO!!! Guys, when do human women produce breast milk? After all, we’re all mammals correct? I believe around 5th grade health class we learn that a woman’s body will produce milk naturally to feed a baby. So the same ideology applies to cows. A cow isn’t an animal that NEEDS to be milked. Cows are just like humans, they only produce milk to feed their young. We artificially inseminate cows immediately after they give birth to start this horrific vicious cycle right over again. I would imagine also that the FEELING of having their calves nurse is entirely different than being hooked up to painful metal machines ALL DAY LONG. The dairy industry is the most gut wrenching of all.

So what would happen to all of the animals if we stopped eating them?


Why don’t vegans eat honey?

There are many reasons why vegans stay away from honey. Number one being its a product that bee’s make. Therefore, vegans won’t go near it. Secondly, a little honey bee will only live for about a month. In the bee’s entire life span, she will only produce about 2 tiny teaspoons of honey. Beekeepers will take this honey and replace it with some corn syrup. Fair trade? Vegans don’t think so. Linking our full article, Honey, Whats the Matter? Why Vegans Don’t Eat Honey, HERE.

I’m an athlete, I won’t get enough protein from a vegan diet, right?

This is one of my favorite topics to cover, as it’s usually one of the most common questions I hear. Such a misunderstanding when it comes to vegan protein. We’re linking our Vegan Protein article right HERE, and also our Vegan Women Professional Athletes article HERE for you! It is ENTIRELY possible to be a strong, successful, athlete as a vegan. All protein is plant-based. Remember that. Check out the articles for a bigger explanation!

But…we’ve always eaten meat?

There’s no doubt in the past we have eaten meat when other resources we’re nowhere in sight. Yes, at one point in time, the wealthy consumed meat, and the less wealthy couldn’t afford to. However, bring it to current 2019. Meat consumption is literally KILLING our planet. It’s hands down the main health concern and the leading cause of clogged arteries and high cholesterol in adults. We’re linking the full explanation and article on this topic HERE-The Proof That All Humans Should Be Vegan.

Guys check this list often! We’ll update it as we receive your questions! If you have another FAQ please feel free leave us a comment! If you’re a vegan newbie, be sure to check out our “The ONLY Vegan Handbook You’ll Ever Need, Dedicated to the Vegan Newb!”