Yep, we’re goin here. How can we possibly have a “zen” topic page and NOT cover the incredible cannabis plant?! I mean really! Cannabis is an incredibly magical little plant. Sure, can you abuse it? Absolutely. But we can also abuse nutritional yeast, so come on now. It’s called balance people! Lets find out all the wonderful things about cannabis and what it can do for you!
1. Anxiety & Depression BUSTER
We at the FEMPIRE, both have been anxiety sufferers our entire lives. I have been an active cannabis user for years whereas Lynn was introduced to the beautiful world of marijuana only a short period ago. I’ve always battled the constant debate of using anxiety medications but I never wanted to, something always held me back.
Through the use of cannabis, whether it was smoking or using edibles I’m able to entirely gain control over any anxiety I’m experiencing. Lynn is now a full believer and she is entirely OFF of her anxiety and depression medication, fully using natural cannabis as her remedy. It’s truly incredible and has absolutely changed our lives.
To answer the- well, I don’t want to be high all day question. Neither do we, here in 2019 we’re in the mecca of marijuana and we have options. CBD is phenomenal for treating anxiety and internal inflammation which we’ll get into later. CBD is formulated and bred without THC (the stuff that makes you high) making it a better option for those with cold feet, or working professionals! Cannabis has been known to stabilize moods and ease depression too!
2. Weight Loss?!
But I thought munchies make us fat? This one is actually pretty cool. Marijuana users in general as a whole, are shown to be slimmer than non users! Our friends at Green Flower explain, “That’s because cannabis helps the body regulate insulin production, and manage caloric intake more efficiently.” (1)
In doing some research we found that CBD is a better route to take when trying to use cannabis as a form of weight loss. Because it can also be an appetite stimulant (coming in amazingly handy for cancer patients and malnourished patients) it has been said that the psychoactive side effects of cannbis containing THC has more of a chance to increase a person’s appetite thus leading to weight gain vs the consumption of CBD will actually suppress the appetite.
3. Weed Fights Cancer?
Huge one guys. This has been probably the most talked about topic on the weed front as states have began the legalizing process. Does it cure cancer? Anna Wilcox, a writer for Green Flower has our answers!
“In the lab, a wealth of early preclinical and animal trials have demonstrated that cannabis compounds may treat cancer in a number of different ways. These different ways include the blocking a tumor’s ability to create blood vessels, essentially starving the cancer. It also includes decreased metastasis, when tumor cells break off and travel to different parts of the body. Finally, cannabis compounds have been shown to halt the growth of tumor cells and trigger these diseased cells to self-destruct.” (2)
She continues to explain the hardest part in treating cancer with cannabis is finding the proper dosage for the patient. Each person is different and while someone may have great luck with a higher THC strain, others may find better results with a strain higher in CBD. Its very much a trial and error based thing.
Even if you’ve chosen to use chemotherapy, cannabis will still help you! One of the biggest side effects of cancer fighting treatments and drugs is nausea. Cannabis will abolish nausea and allow these brave strong people to continue their fight without the horrifying feeling of nausea creeping up throughout the day.
4. Helps in the M.S. Fight!
Patients battling the horrible disease multiple sclerosis have found cannabis to be a god send. These patients deal with the lack of control of their body movements, nerve pain, and experience painful spasms. Marijuana has been said to ease the pain and slow the tremors that M.S. patients suffer from daily.
I personally have a friend battling this horrifying disease. Throughout her diagnosis, she had tried countless prescriptions, drugs, and pills that just left her with more and more side effects. STILL, never treating the issues they were originally prescribed to her for. She turned to cannabis and hasn’t looked back.
5. Eating Disorders
We’ve mentioned and explained already what happens to our appetite when using marijuana. We’ll experience either an appetite suppressant or an appetite stimulant. For those battling eating disorders of any kind, those who eat too much, and those who don’t eat enough will all experience positive outcomes from using cannabis. Bulimia and anorexia sufferers will find their anxieties will calm, and they’ll find it easier to eat with the appetite stimulant. And those who are struggling with a binging eating disorder leading to obesity and weight gain, will find positives in the appetite suppressant factors of cannabis.

6. Arthritis Aid!
Did you know that you can topically use cannabis? It doesn’t always have to be smoking, inhaling, or eating? CBD oil can be made into balms, or salves that are beautiful for the skin. Arthritis sufferers will appreciate the pain relief they experience from using the topical creams. They help to minimize the inflammation caused by arthritis and in turn they’ll experience pain relief and supple skin from the moisture benefits of the balm.
7. Restless Sleeper? Not With Cannabis!
Weed is a cure-all for a good nights sleep. If you’re someone who fights the 7-8 beautifully necessary hours of sleep, you need to try this. Whether CBD or THC, an improvement of sleep will happen! Its inevitable! Theres no nasty hangover or gross sludgey feeling the next day. Just well rested, 7-8 uninterrupted hours of sleep. You’ll quickly discover too, that if you’re a nightmare sufferer these will entirely subside, as weed affects our REM cycle and disrupts our ability to dream. Soundest. Sleep. Ever.
8. It Will Get You Through Your Work Day!
Whether you experience fatigue, anxiety, lack of motivation during your day, cannabis will help fight that. CBD comes to the rescue here! If you’re someone who works at home or doesn’t need to travel (aka don’t smoke and drive, ever) by all means indulge in the THC! Being a hairstylist for 10 years the environment is NUTS for lack of a better word. Entirely chaotic. Doesn’t exactly vibe with my constantly anxious insides.
CBD has been a lifesaver for me for years and years. Pop a gummy, no one has any idea and therefore won’t pass judgement (thus treating anxiety alone HA) and watch the anxiety and nerves melt away. If you indulge with THC once you’re home, that will STILL be helping calm you after a long day of hyped up nerves and work. Be responsible- this isn’t the A-OK to smoke a bong and go to work. Save the heavy bong rips for after work and for the weekend, pack the CBD with you for work.
9. More Creativity!
The use of cannabis may actually make you a more creative person! Did you ever want to be an artist? Nows the time! Just kidding. But really! Weed can spark up your brain in creative places you never knew existed! Speaking from experience here, makeup has been a hobby (and profession) of mine for years. Halloween time I LOVE to play and create crazy looks. Lynn let’s me play SOME-times. But I’ve always said my best looks are created at home, after using cannabis. Every. Time.
The job may take me a little longer- okay a lot longer a girl needs snacks, but it comes out incredible every time. I entirely attribute this to cannabis!
10. The Opposite Of A Gateway Drug- How to Break Addiction With Weed
Yes, you read that correctly. Weed has always been referred to as the “gateway” drug. I’m here to tell you, its not. Its anything BUT that actually. Marijuana consumed in ANY style is ENTIRELY safer than other drugs and alcohol.
Dr. Jaffe writer of a 2018 blog post on the topic states, “Alcohol is both legal and socially acceptable, and yet can have just as damaging physical and psychological effects as marijuana and other illicit drugs (if not more so). But most people choose to stay on the side of socially acceptable and legal drug use as opposed to crossing over to harder, illicit substances.” (3)
There we have it, FEMPIRE!
Weed is an incredible zen little plant. We’re huge huge fans and we love seeing all the positivity around the 4-20 topic! If you’re still on the fence, that’s okay. We understand. But, we ask you to be mindful of all the positives and not to pass judgement too hard on the users because truly, its a life changing plant. And remember, CBD has ZERO psycho side effects! If you just want to experience the magic of holistic CBD, give it a shot for yourself! See what the cannabis plant can do for YOU! Let us know what you think and how YOU benefit from using cannabis!

- “50 Unexpected Benefits of Cannabis (You Might Not Know).” Green Flower Media, www.green-flower.com/articles/66/50-life-enhancing-benefits-of-cannabis.
- “This Woman Treats Cancer Patients with Medical Cannabis.” Green Flower Media, www.green-flower.com/articles/585/this-woman-successfully-treats-cancer-patients-with-medical-cannabis?lgf=true.
- “Marijuana Is NOT a Gateway Drug. Here’s Why.” Revolutionary Clinics, 28 Jan. 2019, www.revolutionaryclinics.org/marijuana-is-not-a-gateway-drug-heres-why/.