Carbs & Veganism: Won’t All Those Carbs Make Me Fat?

We’re talkin’ carbs today FEMPIRE! Carbs get a horrible rep in the food world. After all, they’re what makes us all fat! Right?

This has to be the number one misconception in the nutrition world as a whole. Including the non vegan nutrition world. Everyone and their mother thinks carbohydrates will make them fat. Quickest way to lose ten pounds? Cut carbs! Easy!

We’re here today bridging the gap between what we assume we know about carbs, and what carbs REALLY do for us! More specifically we’re focusing on the role of carbohydrates in the VEGAN diet. Obvi.

The Biggest Myth Of All

Carbs. Make. Me. Fat. Stop saying it. Just banish the words out of your mouth before you even say them. Carbs are NOT the issue guys. I promise you. To properly understand this, we need to remember what carbs role in the body is!

What Are Carbs?

Georgia Bamber is the nutritional writer of Vegan Australia. She explains, “Carbohydrates are the most important source of food energy in the world. They supply people with anywhere between 40% and 80% of their daily calorie needs.” (1)

What Happens When We Exclude Carbs?

She continues to say without the consumption of carbs, all we have left is protein and fat. When we eat these in moderation that allows for a balance of nutrition. However, when consumed SOLEY can lead to many illness and diseases such as – heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

We need the natural sustainable energy provided to us by carbohydrates. The energy gained from eating meat and dairy isn’t as safe or effective as the energy given to us from carbohydrates.

Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal…Or Good!

Okay, so given what we know about carbohydrates what comes to mind? Pizza…cookies…desserts…pastas….rice…potatoes….bread? How about – brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, fresh fruits? See what I did there!

Refined carbs are processed carbs. Your store bought white breads, pastas, desserts, cookies, YES even the AMAZING VEGAN oreos. These are the bad guys. They’re loaded with high fructose corn syrup, zilch for fiber, and filled with fat waiting to be dispersed on our bodies, make us feel sick, AND make us gain weight.

Our beautiful array of clean natural whole plant based carbs are a much different story. They supply us with sustainable clean energy. Unlike the refined carbs which contribute to the growth and progression of diseases, these good guy carbs FIGHT those very same diseases!

The Beauty of A Whole Foods Plant Based Diet

The beauty of the plant based diet is, THERE IS NO DIET. You EAT when you’re hungry. You DON’T have a carb concern! You’re NOT afraid of the natural sugars in fruit! We eat as much as we want, whenever we feel hungry. Because thats the way food was intended to be eaten. Unprocessed, clean, disease preventing, FOOD. The haunting dietary bullshi*t rulebook goes out the window! Burn it! We are nourishing our bodies people!

Now, do we expect perfection? HELL NO. We LOVE pasta in this house and we eat our fair share of it. But we TRULY do try our hardest to cook whole plant based foods whenever possible! Just bein’ real! No one is perfect. No, you’re not a bad parent or spouse if you serve your kids white rice or white pasta followed by a ducan hines slice of cake. That makes you a great, NORMAL, real life sh*t happens, parent or spouse. No matter HOW HARD we abuse these foods (100% in our opinion – it is STILL healthier than feeding meat, dairy, and eggs!!)

So, go ahead, eat that whole watermelon, along with a big bowl of rice! We DARE you! Carbohydrates are NOT the problem FEMPIRE! We want you to enjoy your sweet potatoes with your rice and your rice with your sweet potatoes! They’re loving your body and your body is loving them back. Just make sure they’re unrefined! Happy carb-ing FEMPIRE!


  1. “Carbs Are Not the Enemy – Here’s Why.” Vegan Australia,