How Eating Less Meat Makes The Biggest Impact On Our Planet

How can YOU create a positive impact on our beautiful planet Earth? Learn with science proven research, the ins and outs of what the farming industry is doing to our planet and what we can do to change it.


The Hard Truth

So many studies and research over the last 10 years alone has brought up the globalized improvement if not an entire resolution of our declining environment.

Our planet Earth has endured such aggressive torture, climate change, oceanic damage, and detrimental pollution, by our human species and the actions that we’ve taken.

According to National Geographic, the world population in 2050 will have massively swelled to 10 billion. In turn, leaving scientists in a sticky spot to create a diet plan that won’t crush our planet to meet the high demands. (1)

Prof Johan Rockström at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany warned, “that huge reductions in meat eating are required if the world is to stave off dangerous climate change, with beef consumption in western countries needing to drop by 90%, replaced by five times more beans and pulses.” (2,)

What Will Change If We Give Up Meat and Dairy?

Avoiding meat and dairy will be the strongest most important stance you could take to change the world. Again, louder for the people in the back.

Avoiding meat and dairy will be the most important action you can PERSONALLY do to love and nourish the planet and, as a result, save it from the downright terrifying path it’s headed.

Take. A. Stand.

Scientists have said as a result of adopting a meat free diet, that we have the potential to lessen global in use farmland by 75%. “Researchers have advised a “flexitarian” diet to help keep the global temperature increase from breaching a 2C limit agreed by governments.” (2)

The FEMPIRE without a doubt does our part every day to help save our planet. It’s still not enough, and we simply cannot do it alone.

Veganism is hard on the rise, you guys. The green wave is approaching, faster and more aggressive each and every day. The FEMPIRE is growing, as is our plant based community. We’re here for support to everyone making the transition to a vegan lifestyle.

There are SO many “real” vegan transition foods out there to make the transition easier.

We have an entire chapter in our “How To Be A Vegan Guide E-book” based solely on transition foods! These helped me immensely with my transitions. Especially at family cookouts or events. Pizzas, chick’n patties, burgers, mac and cheeses, the list goes on forever. We still love our transition foods even though we stick to a more whole food plant-based diet whenever we can, our freezer is ALWAYS loaded and ready to go. Bring ON that lazy night.

Let’s stand with our earth, FEMPIRE and continue to encourage, inspire, and support our new vegan members! Lets show em’ what we got.

Be The Movement

**Dont Forget To See How YOU Can Help Us Save These Beautiful Animals!**


  1. Finke, Brian. “Eating Meat Has ‘Dire’ Consequences for the Planet, Says Report.” National Geographic, 16 Jan. 2019,
  2. Milman, Oliver. “Why Eating Less Meat Is the Best Thing You Can Do for the Planet in 2019.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 21 Dec. 2018,